Showing posts from April, 2023Show all
Baby Bats are Called Pups, and they are Adorable.
Cute little seal
Dog can’t wait for his human to wake up
One year ago vs. now
Vet Plays The "I Love You" Spots On Kitty
First steps of a baby elephant.
Lulu the squirrel carrying then shoving one of her babies in their new home
Seals are real sea puppies for divers!
Who Let The Dogs Out
Puppies pick out their own collars
My new foster dog Teddy... I think we're both in love ❤️
A kind stranger assisted the turtle in escaping from the stone trap.
unlike ducks, sadly owls aren’t water repellent! This is how they look like, should they find themselves in the rain
Here's some serotonin. You're welcome. (OC)
Capybaras jumping into a lake in Brazil
Baby and cat
Employee of the Month
We finally caught him officers.
Gandalf thinks if he moves super slowly, I’ll let him sit in between me and my laptop
A friend in need is a friend indeed
Small snek wants to snuggle
Kingfisher frozen to a bridge gets its feet thawed out & freed by a kindly gentleman
Sunbathing indoors
Hugging is better than stressing
I heard a thump at the window and was shocked to find…
Rey is tuckered out from all the excitement. r/Aww helped raise $25,586 for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital! Thank you to everyone who supported the Dank Charity Alliance. See you next year!
My dog was so proud after this unbelievable hockey goal 🥹(OC)
[OC] Literally sweetest shot of my cat
Monkeys? No … I’ve not seen any monkeys here.
Rescued a baby opossum tonight.
Obi is not impressed with his vet visit (Burnie Vet Centre in Tasmania)
Trying to come up with a band name and album title for this super group.
Over the past three weeks, I have had the privilege of watching this pair of pigeons build their nest, lay their 2 precious eggs, incubate them 24/7 (taking turns and switching every day) and today, the twins hatched!! The male on the nest is Kipp, and you can see La'Fawnduh on the branch near by.
Happy boy walk.
Patsy came back today! I took y’all’s advice and left a bowl of fresh water, grapefruit, and some dried cranberries. I don’t think she likes the grapefruit…
My friend runs animal temp house. This is usually how young fluffs look up to their older temporary sister, who's clearly had enough of their shenanigans
Should I trust her?
So cute baby Bambi.
I'm gonna do it , I'm gonna do it, yes I'm gonna do .. wait .. yes .. wait .. yes .. oh yes .. wait ... Oh yes I've done it
My niece takes pictures of my cat and then she shows him how he looks [OC]
When your favorite toy comes to life.
A mother, basking in the sun.
My dog was neutered yesterday & he hates a cone so I had to come up with a better solution (= the pants). This is his favourite pose. [OC]
Cat retracing steps in snow
This is how he greets me every morning (OC)
Where did that darn cat get to...
This fella got into a tent with 26 soldiers, at night, somehow passed the man on a watch duty, climbed into a box with food, ate cheese, cookies, spilled sugar, coffee and fell asleep in that box. And that’s where they found him in the morning.
I’m in a bit of a stress right now and he just sat down, got himself comfy, and put his paw on my hand.
Squirrel mother and baby 🥰
This is what heaven must be like
Sleeping on the job