Showing posts from August, 2021Show all
1800's couple trying not to laugh during their picture
My young labrador looks so tired in the morning
A year old photo of my daughter that makes me smile every single time.
Bobcat + Kitty
How you can help fight disinformation on Reddit
Hopping into the weekend
it's Caturday and all, but.....
Dogs only water park!
Response to Yesterday's Admin Post
Saved a magpie‘s life a couple of days ago, we‘re buddies now. He comes back daily for treats and some play time!
We call upon Reddit to take action against the rampant Coronavirus misinformation on their website.
Goldens are too precious
They’ve known each other 4 days.
Monkey wears a mask
Grumpy bearded dog
That drool bubble from being relaxed and happy
My dog and our giant pumpkin
Our cat taking her medicine by herself for a bribe
Found a stray kitty at a job site 😊
Cat??? What cat?
Squirrel Holding Its Baby
“Wanna see how high I can jump? Pretty cool, huh?
My Grandma is 106 years old today!!
His name is Baby Ben.
She was scared of the thunder so I made her a fort
my mom and my cat working from home together
Best Dinner companion ever.
Jellybean does not like the cone of shame. He tolerates the flower of protection.
When the toddler was given medicine using a syringe, the cat insisted on getting some too, so he got water from the syringe, which he happily accepted.
The Snoots
Guina Pig Traffic
I recently realized not many people are aware of the majestic floofs known as Sebastopol geese. So allow me to introduce my sweethearts, Noodles and Sebastian!
here is a video of tank since you guys appreciated how stupid cute he is
Husband surprises bride by flying her parents in from Brazil to their wedding.
Finally, a Nightclub I want to be admitted to!!!!
He really said 😐
Flippy flaps once he’s free
/r/animalsincars: /r/aww Subreddit of the Week
Meet my new worried lil lump of a foster kitten. Her name is Honey Bee!
Sneaking into bed to share a pillow
He doesn’t know it yet but today is his last day of being a stray
Kiki the gorilla admires a human baby and shows off her own infant
"We just want to make sure you're alive in the bathroom."
We all need a hug sometimes
Two months after I got him and Darwin still holds his own paws when he sleeps.
Here is a dog bullying his owner.
Saw that every time I watered the plants there were bees drinking from the ground so I made a bee bath out of a bowl and rocks. Every day when I get home there are a bunch of them drinking and buzzing around. They are my cute little friends now!
If you fell sad remember this dog owns a shop in Tokyo🙂
Protest for late breakfast
Charlie, who is 11, still fetches me beer whenever I ask
If I lick it, no one else can have it
"Human, we gotta talk. This is a stupid outfit."
World, meet Pretzel 🥨
Look at this Little guy